How to use the Drupal 8 Plugin api

How to use the Drupal 8 Plugin api

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 20, 2017

With the switch to using Symfony in Drupal 8 as part of its core functionality, we also have received access to a lot more powerful tools than previously available to Drupal developers.  One of those very powerful and promising tools is the new Plugin API.  

How To Create A Block In Drupal 8

How to create a block in Drupal 8

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 19, 2017

Creating Custom blocks in Drupal 8 are a little different these days thanks to the change to the new Symfony API.  This means that most things you used to do as procedural functions are now created via the Plugin API, Entity API, or other Object Oriented methods.

10 Myths About Drupal & Why They are Wrong

10 Myths About Drupal & Why They are Wrong

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Drupal has been on the scene for over 15 years now, which speaks volumes for its durability. Yet myths about Drupal have been lingering online since it’s inception and is still going strong.

Fixed Cost vs Hourly

Let’s face it, websites need to be redesigned regularly and the adage “you get what you pay for” applies big time. Any business professional will recognize these two truths. You just want to get the biggest bang for your buck. That’s why how a web design contractor charges for the service is just as important as choosing the right contractor in the first place.

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Business

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Business

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Are you thinking about starting your own business? Are you also having some second thoughts about it? Ask yourself these 6 questions to determine if starting an online business is the right choice for you.

Nail These 3 Things

Some entrepreneurs seeking venture capital may think that their business idea is enough all by itself to attract investors, like it’s a no-brainer and will pay off within a year. While your enthusiasm for your idea is vital, this line of thinking is dangerous. Venture capital may be essential for funding your company, so never assume your idea is all you need. You also need a plan and a team.


Xcode – A Revolution in Designing Apps

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Since it began, Apple has constantly refined and revised every aspect of its operation and its products. Programmers are always delighted when Apple “does it again” with something revolutionary.

Kickstart Your Startup – 9 Tips for Success

Kickstart Your Startup – 9 Tips for Success

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Startup companies should be admired. It takes guts, persistence, and creativity to build something from nothing into success and longevity. Startups are also the best companies for developing because they are small, new, and thus easier to fix problems for.

The Top 5 Features of Drupal 8 That You Can’t Live Without

The Top 5 Features of Drupal 8 That You Can’t Live Without

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Drupal 8 is an open source program that helps you, the end user, easily create a rich and functional website. Because the internet is often the first place that someone is introduced to your business, your website has to be clean, interesting, fast, and easy to use. Drupal 8 allows us to create stunning websites, even the less tech-savvy among us. Drupal 8 features many items that will help produce the site you need. Here are the five features that make Drupal 8 the King.

Branding Your Website – Graphic Design is a Must

Branding Your Website – Graphic Design is a Must

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Alluring graphics and images simply must be created for your website. And then some. It is well known that a business brand is far more recognizable with professionally designed graphics on it.

E-commerce Website

Through the power of the internet, the need for a brick and mortar business sales location – a ‘store’ – is long gone for many companies. Just look at how department stores have declined in recent years. Because large premises for the public are costly and profits are higher from online ordering.

10 Reasons Why Online Start-ups Fail in 2017

10 Reasons Why Online Start-ups Fail in 2017

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Thinking of starting up on your own? Great! Go for it! And… do your research because the business startup failure rate is as high as 90%! Know why this happens and you can give your awesome business innovation the best chance to succeed.

Five Things Every Drupal Website Owner Should Know

Five Things Every Drupal Website Owner Should Know

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

When it comes to a Content Management System (CMS) for your website, Drupal is the best. Maybe you searched the internet and read many opinions, but the fact is that Drupal is the most flexible CMS on the market. It can be configured with thousands of community built modules, which greatly increases the functionality and capabilities of your Drupal website.

Tips for Upgrading from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8

Tips for Upgrading from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

The Drupal 8 upgrade is well worth the effort. Just be sure to follow these tips and prepare well. We recommend not performing a Drupal 8 upgrade on a live site.

Drupal 8 – What it Promises

Drupal 8 – What it Promises

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Drupal 8 is here and already is the new standard for CMS and web development. Whether you’re creating sites for small businesses, for global enterprises, or anything in between, Drupal 8 does it all. As the digital landscape continues changing rapidly, Drupal remains at the forefront of industry trends.

Why Soft Startup Launch is Better

Why Soft Startup Launch is Better

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

Let’s say you are only one week away from the big launch for your startup company. Sure, you got the initial investment and you plan to roll big, investing every penny in your marketing campaign. It’s great that you had the courage and motivation!

What to consider before you design your web-based startup and deploy it

Many people will tell you that the design or the appearance is everything for your web-based startup company. Relatively this is very true, but here is one curious example; what happens if you give a homeless person a suit? You will notice changes in how other people will start treating him.

Drupal and Its Magic

Drupal and Its Magic

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

What is Drupal? Drupal is the #1 platform for web content management among global enterprises, governments, higher education institutions, and NGOs. Flexible and highly scalable, Drupal publishes a single website or shares content in multiple languages across many devices.