Portainer Setup

Setting Up Portainer on a VPS from A2 Hosting

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on July 7, 2024

If you're looking to set up a cheap, easy-to-manage hosting solution for static or MEAN stack sites, Portainer on a VPS from A2 Hosting is a great choice.

Unified Web Platform

Benefits of Building a Unified Web Platform

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on June 21, 2024

Solving for a variety of challenges, a properly implemented Unified Web Platform can resolve issues created by a scattered web presence. Large organizations with multiple branches, like state governments, universities, and major media co

Module Introduction Workspace Plus

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on May 9, 2021

This is a quick introduction to the Workspace Plus module that we created to help a client with some unique content moderation needs.  This module allows a team to create changes to content that leverages things like Blocks/Layouts or other custom

Webform 2 Zendesk

Webforms For Zendesk is the Contrib Module of the Week

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on October 11, 2020

Almost every site has a contact form for support requirements. This usually goes into some sort of email box, but what if you could use Webforms to create new Zendesk tickets for your customers' support requests?

social media marketer

The KPIs that matter for Social Media in 2020

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on September 22, 2020

In 2020, social media is engrained in our lives.  For many, the first thing they do after open their eyes is opening their Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter app to see what happened over night. 

playbook migration

How To Fix Bad Data during Drupal Migration

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on September 21, 2020

When migrating a site there is never a shortage of bad data that you need to deal with, but there is not any place more troublesome than when you encounter it for the first time while attempting to migrate a website.  Dealing with Bad Data, in thi


7 Design tips that can boost your Lead Generation

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on February 19, 2020

Provide Specific and Highly Visible Errors Ideally, we would live in a world where users always filled in forms properly and never had any issues, but here in the real world, we know that users make many mistakes.  This is where form val


Picking the Right Editor tools for your website

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on February 9, 2020

The Root of the Challenge Before going over all of the different solutions to this challenge, I think it is important to take a bit of time to look at the standard approach to layout that comes with Drupal and was common in older Drupal

Using mautic to create better lead capture forms

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 13, 2019

Many websites are using forms for lead generation and are usually the primary source of cold leads for many solopreneur websites.  Despite your business model,  you can always find a great new use for some kind of funnel, revenue pipeline, or lead

How to use Mautic to create an Exit Intent pop-up

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 13, 2019

Exit intent pop-ups are a great way to make a final attempt to get the attention of a user before they leave your site.  Leveraging Mautic we will go over how to create one and place it on your website so you can start leveraging it for your vario


How to get ready for Accessibility with Aria

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 10, 2019

With the recent increase of focus on making sure that websites are accessible to those who have disabilities, it is important as a business owner to make sure your website meets the legal requirements in order to avoid costly lawsuits.

Boost Your traffic in 2020, the Best ways to increase Website Traffic

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 9, 2019

Everyone knows how valuable traffic is to get new customers online, in this post, I am going to go over some of the hottest tips in increasing your website's traffic in 2020.   You will also get a chance to see in a follow-up post just how much th

Drupal page cache

Making Sense of Cache in Drupal 8

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 7, 2019

Are you having trouble with cache on your Drupal 8 site? In this post, we go over some of the most common challenges you can face when configuring page caching for Drupal 8.

Frustrated with bugs

How to stop annoying Drupal bugs!

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 6, 2019

Owning a Drupal site gives you access to powerful tools for managing content, selling products/services, and many other things. It can also bring with it several challenges that can make managing a drupal site frustrating to those not familiar with the platform, we share some tips today to solve these common issues.

Views Access Temple Of Doom

Controlling Views Access with Custom Plugins

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 6, 2019

Have a special case where you need a more advanced way to control access to a view? Enter custom plugins for views access. In this article, we take a look at how to create some custom access handling for views.

Mautic Lead generation

A better way to get started using Mautic

Submitted by Chris McIntosh on December 5, 2019

If you are looking to get started using mautic, then you may have a hard time finding documentation that you can make sense of. In this guide, we will go over how to get your Mautic site setup and how to start using it to generate leads that convert into customers.