Submitted by Chris McIntosh on May 21, 2016

The Pro Drupal Developers guide to Drupal 8 will be a reference for the release of Drupal 8.  With the many new APIs and older APIs that have been rewritten for the release of Drupal 8, this book will not only teach developers how to write modules ranging from simple to complex but also how Drupal 8 now works with the new Symfony powered core API.

  • Learn about the new Drupal APIs and major changes to old APIs for Drupal 8
  • Learn how to write Drupal 8 modules using the new API
  • Learn proper Drupal 8 module development practices and how to help the community by supporting or creating new contrib modules.

What you'll learn from this guide

  • How to get started writing basic modules
  • The flexible APIs new to Drupal 8 and how they interact with some popular Contrib modules
  • How new features in Drupal 8 make modules better and more powerful.
  • Best Practices when developing a Drupal 8 module and coding standards needed in your modules before submitting to
  • How to write secure, safe, and tested code.
  • How to create contributed modules for Drupal 8 and help upgrade old modules to Drupal 8

Who This book is for

This online book is for New or Existing module developers looking to learn about Drupal 8's new API and how to continue contributing to Drupal 8 on a day to day basis.  You should already have some knowledge of PHP and are interested in developing new functionality for Drupal 8.

Table of Contents

  • How Drupal 8 Works
  • Writing a Drupal 8 Module
  • Classes, Interfaces, and PSR-4
  • Drupal 8 Menu and Routing System
  • Drupal 8 Database management
  • Managing Users, Nodes, and other core entities
  • Working with Fields API in Drupal 8
  • Drupal 8 theme system and Twig
  • Drupal 8 and Blocks
  • Drupal 8 FAPI
  • Drupal 8 Input Filter API
  • Using Search and Indexing content in Drupal 8
  • Drupal 8 File API
  • Taxonomy in Drupal 8
  • Drupal 8 Caching API
  • User Sessions in Drupal 8
  • Javascript, jQuery, and other Javascript Libraries
  • Drupal 8 Localization and Translation API
  • Drupal 8 REST and Web Services API
  • Writing Secure code in Drupal 8
  • Drupal 8 Best Practices for Development
  • Optimization for Drupal 8
  • Drupal 8 and Installation Profiles
  • SimpleTest, Behat, and Drupal 8
  • Reference for Database Tables
  • Reference for Drupal 8 Clase Interfaces
  • Reference for Drupal 8 YAML files
  • Other Resources for Drupal 8