Submitted by webmaster on March 18, 2017

So, you are ready to dive into the wild water, entrepreneurship. That’s amazing! It’s brave of you to leave the middle-class mindset behind and go straight to the top. You got our full support.

Don’t be scared even if you are a non-technical founder of a technology startup company. If your idea is brilliant and you strongly believe in it, you will find your tech partner. This is not as easy as it sounds, but if you do your homework and follow our tips you will be on the right path.

If you make a Google search you will find thousands of software development agencies out there. How do you know which one to trust and whether you should go with the big companies or hire a smaller, more dedicated team?

Here are a few tips that will help you find a perfect technology partner for you:

1. Find a specialized web development agency.

Look for crazy companies! Literally, do that, do not hesitate! The majority of the web development companies are only concerned with the technology aspect. Don’t get us wrong, they should be! PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails—whatever technology they are using, it should only be a part of their focus while maintaining a grip on growing their business.

The “crazy companies” are crazy about one particular type of work. Whether these are apps for startups, e-commerce sites or just responsive websites, specialization will stand for quality and passion. Their foundation lies in a dedicated team—a team that is willing to do whatever it takes in order to deliver a product or service on time while exceeding expectations to create additional value for the customer. Those web development agencies will also outdo their unspecialized competitors when it comes to know-how, the speed of delivery and cost-effectiveness.

2. Does the size of the agency make a difference for the better?

The ideal fit for a startup tech team on average is a team of three to five people with interdisciplinary skills in design, development, and business. Passionate about new ideas, having an interest in the clients business and knowing how to reflect that in the software are all crucial qualities of a good web development agency.

Unless your startup is in a high-growth stage, you need a dedicated team of three to five people that will dedicate themselves to the cause of your startup company.

3. Location

“The best are everywhere!” Take this for granted too. Startup companies located in Western Europe and the US often cannot afford a local team because of high pricing. If you know what you’re doing it is possible to find a great enthusiastic team that can offer an affordable hourly rate. Honestly, the price of the services alone shouldn’t be your leading factor when selecting a tech partner. Think twice, it’s your newborn baby, would you save on it?

Just remember this: Highly qualified specialists deserve remuneration appropriate to their skills and that “the one who buys cheaply buys two times”.

Our advice: assess my work quality and work culture first. Location is a secondary factor.

If you are just at the beginning of your wild journey as a startup founder or you are in the growth phase, we have the skills and we specialize in startups. Let us bring your startup company to life.

Being a Startup-as-a-Service company we’re always excited to meet great entrepreneurs and founders-to-be and we’re happy to help out.