Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

First I want you to learn the golden rule of businessThe right information at the right moment equals money! That being said, you might have the information but need the time and strategy to develop it, and you know that you have to be as quick as possible because you are not the only one who has it.

Time. I’ll say that it is the most valuable asset nowadays and new business owners are caught up in it trying to be on top of all the things that they need to do. Believe me, that can be hard as hell. It is simple, if you want to be a master in your field, you need time to focus on the specific task and complete it perfectly. Only jumping from one task to another will take up more of your time and therefore your business will grow slowly and not as fast as you desire. This can be really frustrating, can’t it?

I’ll cover more useful tips, but this time I’ll go over outsourcing, specifically web development.

Outsourcing is a very good option for startups and old companies, small and big businesses. You shouldn’t worry about the cost of outsourcing because the benefits will cover the costs and you will take profit from it. But the question is: “When is the right time to outsource?

The right time to outsource a task is when you don’t have enough team members to focus on it, and looking for new members will take up more time than outsourcing the task. It is more cost-efficient this way, believe me.

Outsourcing projects to other companies can make you learn new stuff as well because in many cases the outsourced company did a better job on finishing the project than the company that issued the project in the first place. So don’t overthink it and don’t be too self-confident because there are other people and other companies that can finish projects faster. Some of them even better.

It’s up to you which tasks you want to outsource, but you should not make the mistake and outsource the tasks or projects that you don’t want to do, which are very important for the company. These important and crucial tasks should always be done by your employees and they should stay in your company. For example, you are launching a startup company for some specific product. In this case, I’ll suggest that you outsource the web development and focus on the promotion (do your homework) and strengthen your sales team! Without sales and promote your startup company will fail in the very beginning!

Also, you should consider this: Outsourcing will not be easy because you cannot just hand over the tasks and wait around for them to be finished. You need to work closely with the company doing your tasks so that they will pay more attention to it and finish it faster and exactly as you want it. If you don’t like working closely with another company, maybe outsourcing is not the best solution for you.

Just one quick note before I finish the article: These tips apply to startup companies and maybe they are most suitable for them because you don’t want to mess it up in the very beginning. The beginning will determine the course of a startup company.

So, if you have a virtual idea and you don’t have the desired skills, let someone develop it for you. You will drastically shorten the time of launching it and it will be developed professionally. You can make a request for free consultation from us and find out how we can help you.