Submitted by Chris McIntosh on March 18, 2017

In current times when the border between desktop and mobile is rapidly fading away, users expect to get to the information anywhere, anytime and expect it to be fast. Meeting all those expectations and providing users with what they want is the single best way to keep clients focused on your product, service or website.

“How to do it?” is a good question.
“How to do it right?” is an even better one
so let's focus a bit on what seems to be the best way to provide content to end users without limiting yourself to desktop or mobile—lets talk HTML5!

HTML5 is the latest iteration of HTML addressing modern needs and expectations of websites. It deals with things like semantic markup, providing information about the content it describes, it is becoming the new standard for all good web developers and browser vendors loves it as it does its magic on, I’m going to say it once more, desktop and mobile devices alike. Here are 5 reasons why HTML5 matters:

1 – HTML5 is becoming a new standard

But why is it so good? What does it all mean? More importantly, why does it matter? There are a couple of factors that explain this. First of all, it is very rapidly becoming a standard. Developers want to use HTML5 which in return makes it all the more popular and the driving force for it to be here to stay is h5. Modern browsers all support HTML5 allowing developers to use all the new and exciting features it offers in order to create more dynamic end results. It doesn’t matter if you create a new plugin, a UI mobile framework, or a new fancy carousel—your developer wants to do it in HTML5. And if you are a developer—you want to, or should want to, do it in HTML5.

2 – HTML5 is faster and the best solution for your money

What’s the main reason industry wants to support HTML5? It reduces development time. By focusing on latest browsers and by not being held up on old ones (while providing graceful content degradation) developers can focus on writing functionalities that work, look good while using the latest tools. This makes the whole process quick and very rewarding for the developers themselves.

3 – HTML5 is modern

Next to HTML5 stands another awesome new tech—CSS3. Often, when using the term HTML5 it is assumed that CSS3 is included in the definition. What’s so awesome about CSS3? Well, like HTML5 it is a new iteration of CSS specification including modern browser support for visual styling. This allows achieving great looking effects like rounded corners, shadows or animations within couple lines of code, rather than by laborious image slicing techniques. This both increases fun factor in developing such features and reduces development time significantly, allowing developers to focus their efforts on things that matter. As a bonus, you get lightweight websites with a reduced number of files and images that need to be downloaded from the website to look good. All this makes websites load faster-increasing interaction and enhancing user experience.

4 – HTML5 lets you do things previously impossible

With new functionalities that an awesome combination of CSS3 and HTML5 give us, we can do things that were never possible to achieve in pure HTML. Things that would previously require external plugins like Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight are now attainable in a browser through HTML5. Heavy support for animations and transition allows the possibility to create complicated dynamic visual effects through CSS3 rather than flash.

5 – HTML5 supports mobile devices

With all that in mind we come to a conclusion, the final reason why HTML5 matters—it is mobile friendly. With all that was mentioned earlier, the lightweight visual effects, the support from the industry, the support from browser vendors, it is now easier than ever to develop a website or a web application in HTML5 that can be deployed on both desktop and mobile devices. The content was never closer to the end user and it doesn’t matter if you are browsing on your desktop machine, on your laptop or on your smartphone. While the smartphone market is diverging with different supported operating systems and native applications, HTML5 is supported throughout the whole spectrum of mobile vendors thus allowing to deliver content—your product, your service to a wide array of customers. And that is what matters the most.

HTML5 is here to stay. It has support from the community, device and browser vendors, and is a great way to put content out there closer to the user. Working with the latest technologies is always fun and with a rapidly growing mobile market, it is a new and exciting place to be. HTML5 helps with all that. So, to conclude, HTML5 does matter, and it should matter to you!